Shakespeare Theatre Lab OPEN MIC.
We invite all actors or theatre enthusiasts alike, to come and perform your favourite of The Bard’s speeches, sonnets or scenes in a friendly company of other Shakespearean players.
Everyone pays the same entrance fee,
anyone can try his Shakespearean voice,
no one is judged, every attempt applauded.
If you want to actively participate, you can get help from your host with choosing your material and preparation.
Your host:
Olga Blagodatskikh - actor, voice-over artist and teacher. She trained at RADA (the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London), worked in both England and Moscow taking part in many projects including 60-Hour Shakespeare and Shake-Scene Shakespeare productions. Olga is founder and host of 'Shakespeare Play Reading Club' online which unites Shakespeare performers worldwide, and recently became a member of Shakespeare Globe Theatre Actors' Studio.
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