Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country and former Soviet republic, extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains at its eastern border. Its largest metropolis, Almaty, is a long-standing trading hub whose landmarks include Ascension Cathedral, a tsarist-era Russian Orthodox church, and the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, displaying thousands of Kazakh artifacts.
The city of Almaty offers modern shopping centers, buzzing nightlife and wide, tree-covered avenues. These are in contrast to the surrounding Trans-Ili Alatau mountains providing a backdrop to the city. Although its mountains, glaciers and deserts are truly spectacular. The beauty of Kazakhstan isn’t just in its varied landscape. The real surprise is the welcome you’ll receive. With very few tourists here, the locals will open their arms and their homes to you. Canyons, curious horse dishes and more camels than you can poke a hump at for a truly unique destination. Travel off the path to this very special place with WOW and experience Kazakhstan that just might be worth it.
Contact: Tanya for your booking on dGFueWEgfCB3b3djbHViICEgaW4= or +91 9717754853
For more details, please click on this link:
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